Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Into the sublime landscape after Caspar David Friedrich

I drove into this beautiful landscape in the Lake District  where i felt i was in the middle of a Caspar David Friedrich watercolour. Awesome stillness and such breathtaking subtlety of  colours......  where did land and sky began and end? Or was I at that point?

Twilight beckons

Twilight descends and life begins undercover of pyramidic canvas 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Early morning mist obscures

I woke early to capture some photos on Hampstead Heath. I was struck by the breathtaking beauty of the mist rolling through the land creating another place i could imagine i could step through...and yet when i tried it was elusive always several paces away from me. Yet I was aware of the clarity of the place i was stood in although in although surrounded by mist.....sometimes the Liminal is like that, clear glimpses through the confusion.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Albert Launches

The Albert launches in a spectacular wind which nearly blew away the golden leaves I tied on the tree outside to lure attention to the amazing events unfolding inside.

The toilets offered a twilight blue glow with this shot, echoing the Albert's interim and temporary feel. All will change in time meanwhile.....check out the website for events and workshops