Monday, 5 December 2011

Private view and installation shots from "Space In-Between"

The show was a great success in so many ways! A busy PV with friends and family ( big thanks always !) but many other artists, professionals, visitors from Christ Church Spitalfields Arts and many lovely people i didn't know. The visitors continued to stream in over the weekend, many from Photomonth and others just passing by and more friends and associates!  The Artists talk went well with support from Lisa-Raine Hunt from the Christ Church team. Finally great feedback and good sales of work which always brings a smile.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Exhibiting in a liminal place

This is the crypt in Christ Church Spitalfieds where I will be exhibiting work in my first solo show "The Space In-Between". It is very atmospheric and has been used historically for burial and the passage from life to the afterlife and more recently as a dwelling place for homeless visitors living on the margins of society. For a few days it will also house my show 11-13 November.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Pools of liquid sky

Marvelled at Roni Horn's exhibition at Hauser & Worth. Large pots of liquid blue reminding me of sky, sea and glimpses of infinity just sitting there waiting to pour melt or coagulate. I am always inspired by artists who keep their work so simple and beautiful....reminds me to keep working the way I do

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Which way?

Sometimes it's hard to know if the cloud is filling up or if the blue is breaking through, it's on the threshold and it's liminality right there up in the sky....